doug bonacum

What is the future of patient safety?

The Benefits of Reliable Care for Clinicians

Why high reliability is essential for patient safety

PerfectServe Webinar: Maximizing SBAR

The 5 Rights of Emergency Care and SBAR for Patients

Dutch Springs May 31 2015 - Deep and Wreck dives

Bass escort back to the dock.

Goliath Grouper compliments of Lindsey G from Texas

Webinar: Hardwiring the hard stuff

Webinar: Strengthening interdisciplinary collaboration

Deep Tasks


SCHOOL BUS at Dutch Springs

Poster dunk!

Professor Bill Berry on patient safety culture in the state of South Carolina

Dutch Springs Tour April 19 2015

Critical Incidents on ICU

WEBINAR: November 19, 2015 - Disruptive Innovations & Involving Families in Root Cause Analysis

Pumphouse at Dutch Springs May 3 2015

May 17 2015 Tour at Dutch Springs

CS50 2015 - Week 11, continued

Koi at Dutch Springs - June 23 2013